Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (1968)

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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is a science-fiction novel written by Philip K. Dick in 1968. Dick’s dystopian novel has had a subtle but strong influence on science fiction as a genre. Electric Sheep, has inspired some of the most well known science-fiction films released in the United States. In his dystopian future corporations have been established that specialize in the mass production of artificial life (androids). Although humanity has made impressive strides in the field technologically, they have regressed socially, and environmentally. The books main character is Phil Deckard, a bounty hunter trained specifically for the task of hunting down Artificial life. The conflict emerges when a group of androids defect from their orders and try to assimilate into society. Phil Deckard is of course given the task of terminating them. Deckard reluctantly goes on to track down the rogue androids through neo Los Angeles. In a series of chess like interrogations, philosophical debates, elaborate lies, shoot outs, chases, beatings and concussions, Deckard ensures that each replicant is terminated. Androids are difficult to tell apart from humans so a lengthy empathy test that appears more like an interrogation, must be administered to ensure they are not human before they are terminated. The dialogue of Electric Sheep takes a philosophical and psychological turn when these test are administered. The process may leave the reader questioning whether it is possible to create a definition of “human.”

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